Michelle Anne Harris

Use mindfulness as a lens through which to explore eco friendly printmaking, book arts, collage, ephemeral graffiti and different forms of writing.


Pocket Poetry Pt 1
Sunday, Nov 3rd, 12-3pm
Big Ramp artist-run galleries and studios
2024 East Westmoreland
Philly 19134

Pocket Poetry Pt 2
Sunday December 1st, 12-3pm
H&H nonprofit bookstore
2230 Frankford Ave
Philly 19125

Pocket Poetry is a two part literary and visual art workshop in collaboration with H&H books and Big Ramp with Teaching Artist Michelle Anne Harris. Use mindful writing and drawing exercises to help steer the content and design of your own Pocket Poetry ArtZine while experimenting with narrative image + text with printmaking, collage, drawing, book arts and writing techniques. All ages. All Materials provided. BYO personal collage material

An ArtZine is an independently made publication that follows a do-it-yourself philosophy emphasizing expression and connection over exploitation and alienation.

We will discuss: What is an ArtZine and why do we want to make them? What can your art contribute to your community?

+Zines are a tool for irl communication and creating personal connection

+Explore personal identity using image and text

+Consider historically how the invention of printmaking has contributed to social change, what unique point of view can you contribute to civic discourse?

+Strengthen community bonds through group mindfulness drawing and writing exercises, consider taking this workshop with a partner/friend/family member!

+Make beautiful gifts for your loved ones
follow curiosity

+It's fun!

+Learn DIY printmaking techniques using simple non-toxic & up-cycled materials and techniques that you can do in your own home

Michelle Anne Harris is a Philadelphia based artist and Co Director of Big Ramp, where she is Head of Special Programs and Community Outreach. Her art and teaching practices are rooted in her background as a trauma informed early childhood art educator. Michelle has an interdisciplinary approach to creating that includes printmaking, photography, painting, book arts, poetry and sculpture. She received her Master of Fine Arts Degree in printmaking from Cranbrook Academy of Art and her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in photography and art education from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Michelle has developed educational art programming for the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Cranbrook Institute of Science, Art Institute of Chicago, Hyde Park Art Center, and Mural Arts Philadelphia.
